Orgelkoncert: Calum Builder [Fragility of Relics] + Ying-Hsueh Chen [Ancestral Modernism]

Orgelkoncert: Calum Builder [Fragility of Relics] + Ying-Hsueh Chen [Ancestral Modernism]

Orgelkoncert: Calum Builder [Fragility of Relics] + Ying-Hsueh Chen [Ancestral Modernism]

Torsdag 5. december 2024, kl. 19:30 - 20:30
Stefanskirken, Nørrebrogade 191, 2200 København N

Calum Builder [Fragility of Relics] + Ying-Hsueh Chen [Ancestral Modernism]

[english below]


Stefanskirken, 5. december kl.19.30

Fri entré


Ying-Hsueh Chen — ‘Ancestral Modernism’

Calum Builder — ‘Fragility of Relics’ (Premiere)


Calum Builder: ‘Fragility of Relics’

'Fragility of Relics' handler om forgængelighed—en langsom, stædig udfoldelse af virkeligheden. Værket er komponeret til tre pibeorgler hver med sit eget temperament og er et dybt dyk ned i bevidsthedens flygtige natur. Den altomfattende klangs transfiguration 

Som Calum skriver om værket:

'Fragility of Relics’ is the counterpart to another piece I wrote called 'Immanence (is about seeing someone)', they’re somewhat inverse. Whilst “Immanence" focused on a corporeal reality, 'Fragility of Relics' concerns itself with transcendence.

Often we associate transcendence with an emboldened ascension, but that is not always the case. A renewal of reality can be quite fragile, and can come in waves. In my mind, relics possess the unique intersection point of immanence and transcendence. A tangible yet intangible presence, humane yet spiritual, all hanging carefully in balance.

There is a certain fragility of relics.



Ferdinand Schwarz, Gintė Preisaitė, Michał Biel, Calum Builder [Orgel]

Ying-Hsueh Chen: ‘Ancestral Modernism’ [SOLO]

Den internationalt anerkendte percussionist, performer og komponist Ying-Hsueh Chen (TW/DK) er kendt for sin visionære tilgang til slagtøj og fængslende sceneoptræden. Med sin medrivende tilstedeværelse på scenen og overbevisende fortolkninger af ny musik tager hun lytterne med på en musikalsk rejse, der væver fortiden ind i nutiden.

Til denne koncert vil Ying-Hsueh Chen bruge primitive instrumenter såsom skind, sten, ben, skaller, metal og træ for at skabe en dyb og radikal meditation over relationen mellem lyd og materiale. Hun vil blandt andet præsentere en solo på hjorteskulderblade, inspireret af flere fund fra stenalderen, samt improvisationer og kompositioner på disse primitive instrumenter, der imiterer naturfænomener.


Koncerten er støttet af Statens Kunstfond, Dansk Komponistforening, Koda Kultur, Københavns Kommune.


Calum Builder: ‘Fragility of Relics’

‘Fragility of Relics’ is about impermanence—a slow, steady unfolding reality. 

Written for three pipe organs, each in a different temperament, this piece is a deep dive into the shifting nature of awareness and the transfiguration of ubiquitous sound.

As Calum says about the piece:

'Fragility of Relics’ is the counterpart to another piece I wrote called 'Immanence (is about seeing someone)', they’re somewhat inverse. Whilst “Immanence" focused on a corporeal reality, 'Fragility of Relics' concerns itself with transcendence.

Often we associate transcendence with an emboldened ascension, but that is not always the case. A renewal of reality can be quite fragile, and can come in waves. In my mind, relics possess the unique intersection point of immanence and transcendence. A tangible yet intangible presence, humane yet spiritual, all hanging carefully in balance.

There is a certain fragility of relics.



Ferdinand Schwarz, Gintė Preisaitė, Michał Biel, Calum Builder [Organ]


Ying-Hsueh Chen: ‘Ancestral Modernism’

Internationally acclaimed percussionist, performer and composer Ying-Hsueh Chen (TW/DK) is known for her visionary approach to percussion and captivating stage presence. With her captivating stage presence and compelling interpretations of new music, she takes listeners on a musical journey that weaves the past into the present.

For this concert, Ying-Hsueh Chen will use primitive instruments such as skins, stones, bones, shells, metal and wood to create a deep and radical meditation on the relationship between sound and material. She will present a solo on deer shoulder blades, inspired by several finds from the Stone Age, as well as improvisations and compositions on these primitive instruments that imitate natural phenomena. 


This concert is supported by Statens Kunstfond, Dansk Komponistforening, Koda Kultur, Københavns Kommune.

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